SinglePHP is a single file PHP framework, developed for simple php website development, with a simple router and use raw php syntax as page template instead of shit template engine, and the widget component is simple and powerful.

SinglePHP is developed by leo108, you can fork the project at Github and make pull requests.

Zip file from github

Current Stable

use git clone, the master branch is stable version, the develop branch may contains some experiment feature.

git clone

              ├── App                                 #application directoy
│   ├── Controller                      #Controller folder
│   │   └── IndexController.class.php
│   ├── Lib                             #other libs
│   ├── Log                             #log folder, should be writable
│   ├── View                            #template folder
│   │   ├── Index                       #IndexController's template folder
│   │   │   └── Index.php
│   │   └── Public
│   │       ├── footer.php
│   │       └── header.php
│   ├── Widget                          #widget folder
│   │   ├── MenuWidget.class.php
│   │   └── Tpl                         #widget template folder
│   │       └── MenuWidget.php
│   └── common.php                      #common functions
├── SinglePHP.class.php                 #SinglePHP core
└── index.php                           #the entrance file

3-files hello world

Entrance file: index.php

include './SinglePHP.class.php';         //include the SinglePHP
$config = array('APP_PATH' => './App/'); //Set the application directoy to "./App/"
SinglePHP::getInstance($config)->run();  //go go go!

Default Controller: App/Controller/IndexController.class.php

class IndexController extends Controller {       //Controller
    public function IndexAction(){               //Default Action
        $this->assign('content', 'Hello World'); //set the template variant 'content' to 'Hello World'
        $this->display();                        //render and display

Template file: App/View/Index/Index.php

<?php echo $content;

Visit index.php, it should print

Hello World